Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Signs of Spring...

I can't even tell you how much i needed today!!!  

Signs of spring around here, as of March 11th! .....

A big thaw...It looks like we have a real creek for now!

Tulips peeking through the mulch

The ladies are out and about

An extra toasty greenhouse

Happy Chickens! 

No coat
(actually that's year round for them)

Thank you Lord for the promise of Spring!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


The last time i wrote i had begun my meds and was starting to recover.  Things were going well from Tues - Sat while on the anti-virals.  I couldn't believe how fast things turned around once on the right meds.
Sunday i again woke up with puffy eyes and as the day went on i felt like there were more spots appearing.  Monday my face was hot and red and by Tuesday my whole body looked like this!

I had no choice but to go off my meds.  I was taking prescription and natural stuff together, which you are supposedly ok to do with these particular meds but something tells me it wasn't a good idea!  I highly doubt it was an allergy, but more like a bad mix of meds, or too much at once.  But before you judge, if you had what i had on my face, you'd overdose on meds too :)

It's been 4 days since i've gone off my meds and things are quiet.  The rash is very faint now.  And my face just finished the 2nd round of peeling.  I still worry my first issue is going to come back, since i went off the medication a couple weeks before i was planning to.  But i'm trying to think reasonably.

The boys have been loving this snow.  This LAST snow of the season.  They were home Thursday but the teachers gave extra lesson plans so they won't have to make any days up.  That's a nice thing, but i didn't like having to do school on Thursday during the snow.  Math pretty much didn't happen that day.

Almost too much snow to sled or snowmobile!   It was very fluffy.

Today was so beautiful.  I went for a run, with no coat on.  The sun felt so good.  The boys are sledding on a nearby hill with daddy and i need to think about making supper.  Spaghetti.  There, i thought about it.  Have a good weekend~