Thursday, August 6, 2015

Chickens etc.

Monday we took the chickens away to be butchered.  It's worth the price to have someone else butcher for us.  And it gives the boys a strange and fun field trip.  He lets us watch the whole thing.  i won't post all those pics :)

Once we got back home i cut up most of them, and then made broth from the carcasses.  I was very pleased with the whole process.  We're going to pick up 25 more chicks the end of this month.

1/2 way done
Fried chicken the same day!

This week we also spent a day at Cherry Crest with some family.  My mom, aunt, cousin, and her 2 kids.  Everyone had a great time.  Clay and Lexi are only a month apart.

pig races
Adam was a 'leader' and his pig won....He was given this snout

The boys are loving their housemates for the past week.  Some friends from church moved over the winter but came back to visit.  They are staying w/ us for another week before they go south to visit more family.  It's been fun to watch them play together.

Adam's robot made from all recycled materials from Lancaster Creative Reuse.  They gave each kid a bag of crap- I mean treasures- and they were to make something from it using glue.  I love his creativity.  I didn't take a picture of the other boys' project.  But just imagine a big pile of junk.

Some more summertime pictures.  Only 2 more weeks left of summer vaca.  sigh

Thanks for stopping by!

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