Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Adam is enjoying his AWANA clubs on Wed. nights. This was his second night, and got his vest and handbook. They have a reward system for memorizing verses and will add stickers to the handbook when they recite their weekly verses. He's so grown up now!I too am loving my Tues Bible Study, Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself. It's been over 3 years since I've done a Bible study and I didn't realize how much i needed to do something like this again! I love watching her video, discussing with the group, and yes even the homework. It's all been so good.

Poor Bradley John has a double ear infection this week. He started the morning saying his ear hurt, and ended the day having barfed, spiking a fever, and being diagnosed with a double ear infection. He was so productive. Hoping he gets better real soon. Adam will be having a sleepover with the Smoker cousins tomorrow into Friday which will help me out a ton. I'm praying he behaves his high-energy little self!
We're gearing up for 2 big events at our place in October. One is a reunion on Rod's mother's side, and the following week is our Annual church picnic/campfire. We enjoy doing this and are claiming good weather! After these are over I want to focus on painting the twins bedroom and get them in their twin beds. We finally got a second twin bed Saturday at a yard sale. I'm looking forward to having their room done!

I'll end with an interesting tidbit from our garden. In July, after my peas were over I mowed them off. Well here I just noticed they grew back, flowered, and are starting new pods! Did anyone know that happens?!?! Did i just discover something new? I was pretty amazed by this, Rod told me just to calm down. So i guess we'll have a fall crop of peas!


Mr. and Mrs. B said... where does Adam go to cubbies?? Ava just started this year too at Central Manor!! Are they in the same class and we don't even know it?!?!

Me & my boys said...

Hi Mrs. B :) yes we're going to central manor too!! i think the program is so neat. we're bound to run into each other one of these nights! There's a lot of kids in that class.

pblockey said...

Congrats to Adam for going to Awanas! You can tell him that cousin Caleb was a Cubbie drop-out!
But he did re-join when he got a little older. Tell him to have fun and learn lots!