Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The last 2 days were mild, pushing 50 degrees or more.  It felt so good to be out!  I officially began my 5K training yesterday and today.  Oh dear, I feel like I should just make it a goal to run ONE mile without feeling lightheaded!  It's funny how 3 miles is nothing for one person, but a big deal for the next person.  If I run a 5K, to me that's a big deal!  I was always a sprinter in my younger days. 

My new-to-me pink running shoes.  Can't run without 'em.
And i can't run without a pair of these running with me.  They run with me in shifts as i go in and out the lane.  Somehow they are able to talk my ear off the whole time they are running.  It's a good distraction for me.
I was also delighted to harvest some spinach and lettuce yesterday from underneath my cold frame.  It survived the really cold days we had last week just fine, pretty amazing.

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