Sunday, February 27, 2011

The last several days...

Wednesday: BENThursday: ADAM and BENFriday: BRAD and ADAM and BEN:

They are dropping like flies around here!

Bless their little hearts, they all got sick this week. With high fevers. Maybe i shouldn't admit this, but i secretly have loved those few days. A break from the training and the discipline end of parenting. Wednesday, since Ben was down, the other 2 played wonderfully together. Thursday Brad was my little helper since the other 2 were down. And Friday they were all couch bound, so i made 2 1/2 gallons of spaghetti sauce! They were so lathargic i didn't hear much more then a peep out of them.

Let me just add that i do love my boys and don't like to see them miserable :)

Now 2 of them have a hacking cough. And I'll be glad when that is out of their system. As we speak, Ben has been coughing for literally 1 1/2 hours straight. NON.STOP. We stayed home from church today and did an 'at home' Sunday school lesson on Jesus heals the sick. I didn't search long online, but enjoyed this website for printing out free Sunday School lessons:

Brad was halarious on Friday. He had a very high fever all day Friday, like 104. but he wouldn't sleep much, he just layed there and looked around. Finally i said to him "Brad you have a fever of 104, you need to sleep!" His reply? "I sleep with my eyes open." Well, ok then! He managed to dodge the coughing thing.
Clay, i think has a fever now this morning. I haven't invaded his body yet to get a temperature reading. Certainly hope he doesn't start coughing too, that would be so sad.

I'm so grateful that these guys are generally very healthy, they really don't get sick very often. That is a GIFT that i don't want to take for granted!!

We aim to be fully healthy for this coming weekend; a trip to the cabin w/ some extended family!

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