Tuesday, March 1, 2011

couldn't sleep.....

i'm partially nocturnal. I can drag all day long, but come evening after the boys are in bed i get this surge of energy, a 'high' knowing that it doesn't matter what i do i'm not going to get interrupted! it's so great and i don't want it to end. so i often can't wind down, like tonight, until midnight or later. i know though, come spring i'll be too exhausted each night from outside work that getting to sleep shouldn't be a problem.

speaking of spring, it's march now! yay! clay often sits at the patio door and looks outside. it's like he's longing to be out there, to explore the yard and pull the cats tails. soon!

rod is so sweet. he knows i don't love winter, as i go through withdrawl of several of my favorite things. baseball being one of them. the morning of valentines day, i get an email from him and in it he says, "the clue to your v-day gift is My Lovely Beauty". it took me all morning but i figured it out. the M, L, and B were capitalized. Rod doesn't capitalize so i knew that was pertinent. combine the capitals and you get MLB. No way, Major League Baseball. Did Rod get me the Baseball channel!?!? Sure enough, for 1 whole month, he got me the baseball channel to get me through the rest of the winter :) Even if they are replaying a homerun derby from the year 2001, it still gets me my baseball fix when needed. They played 2 current phillies spring training games this weekend which was a treat. Rod said the morning he ordered it, he read online the top 10 things NOT to get your wife for Valentines day. Anything sports related was WAY up on the list! what do they know.

Boys are still coughing. But Adam seemed to be feeling pretty good today. He made a comment that made me laugh. This morning he opened up the craft closet door and declares "I'm back to being clever again!!" That's what i was afraid of...let the creative messes continue.

I got 3 little boys with birthdays next month, plus Rods. lots of celebrating to be had. The twins want a school bus cake this year. I found some cute ones online to try and duplicate.

Ok, i shall get to bed down. Goodnight and thanks for reading the ramblings.

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