Monday, June 9, 2014

Vacation is here

how nice to officially be in summer vacation, we've been in the mode for a while now.  adam had homework the last week of school and I'm pretty sure it didn't get done!  Some of us have already had poison ivy, many ticks, and a head on mini bike collision so we aren't wasting any time on our summer vacation.

Speaking of vacation, our family has not gone away overnight since last August, and I'm really excited to go away with them sometime this the beach (I hope) and camping.  Tent camping is not my favorite and I totally pretend I love it for the boys sake.  but they don't read my blog so I can say on here that I really don't like it.  The boys and I are also doing an overnight trip with Grandma soon which we are looking forward to.  they tried packing tonight but I said we aren't packing until we at least have it scheduled! 

We had our traditional Sweet Frog ice cream on Friday after the last day.  The last day of school is the only time we go to this place so it's a real treat.  I let them pick 3 toppings.  Rather gross if you ask me, but they don't think so

Some goals of mine for the boys for the summer are to - Read through Matthew together, do a reading program through the library, get into a routine of brain integration therapy (more on that another time), and put some miles on our bikes.  Lately they've been on the motorized toys and not so much bicycles which take actual pedaling.  They are plenty active in other ways, but still nothing like a good ole bike ride.  There are several rails to trails in the area that are nice to ride on.  They are also taking on more responsibility around the property, Rod is able to include them in his projects and routines a little more each year.

Adam finishes up baseball this week.  Mixed feelings about him playing that sport.  He learned a lot and enjoyed the teammates, more than half were from his school, but it was a lot of standing around and with 12 kids on the team, some games he only batted once.  (5 innings per game)  so overall it felt like a waste of time (games were 2 hours) but I am glad he did it. 
I thought he was the cutest player in the league if you don't mind me sayin'

And I must show you the little animals around here.  everything but the cats get butchered.  I promise, we do not butcher cats. 
These kitties are so wild, but they sure are photogenic.

A couple more weeks to go for these guys, who are much less photogenic than the kitties...

Garden is doing so-so this year.  The kale & brocc were a disappointment and my radishes never got big enough to eat before going into seed.  But the boys planted some and they were fine.  Every year there are different challenges with gardening.  i love it though.  the potato beetles are brutal already.  the boys get paid to pick them off and squish them.
The boys garden, they planted extra seeds i had, plus pumpkins and gourds this year.
They are keeping their play area weeded just by playing in it!
Tonight's pretty rainbow
Happy Summer!

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