Monday, May 11, 2009

Yard Sale

My mom and i had a yard sale at her place on Saturday. It did not do very well! there weren't many people traveling the road, apparently everyone was using a rain-free day to do their outdoor work, instead of yard sale! we had a fun time though, luckily we had adam to entertain us. He sold 12 lemonades. (4 of those were from his great uncle dale). He got pretty bored between customers!
He drank SO much lemonade that day! So he watered Grandma's flower beds quite often :)
Toward the end we were getting so desperate for customers, we used Adam to hold up a sign while the cars passed by.
Uncle Mikey took the kids down to the farm on the wheeler for a bit.

In the evening, i was able to take my mom out to eat for mother's day while Grandpa took Adam to an ice cream shop nearby. Rod kept the twins the whole time i was gone, everything was still intact when i got home, except the twins have a tad less hair now!

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Sorry to hear it didn't go well! You are welcome to set up with me at the end of the month :) I didn't notice the twin's hair yesterday, is there a story behind that?? You are a great mom and hope you had a wonderful mother's day!