Tuesday, November 27, 2012


we have our 11th anniversary coming up on saturday!  rod and i met at the ice skating rink, where he played hockey with my brothers.  i very innocently attended almost every game because i like my brothers, and hockey, and i didn't have anything else to do :) 

it didn't take me long to notice rod.  well, maybe it did since they all look the same out on the ice.  but after i met him and had his number memorized, then i always took notice.

we took the boys to that same ice rink friday night for some more post birthday fun and we had a coupon.  except we went to the wrong rink for the coupon but that's another story :) 

it was fun to be there again and tell the boys this is where mommy and daddy met for the first time.  i was surprised how well they skated.  2 winters ago it was very cold and we took the boys pond skating quite a bit, and there was much improvement from then. 

so blessed that God has given me this man for my husband these 11 years and counting.  He's so very suitable for me.  He's also a great father and i'm super thrilled about that Y chromosome of his that gave us all these boys! 

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